Basics of java (what i have learned )
A Very Basic thing about Java that i think everybody knows who started learning java is that, Java is platform independent language, which means it generate byte code which runs on every platform (macos ,windows , linux ) but what i learn is java`s bytecode is platform-independent but JVM (Java Virtual Machine ) is Platform Dependent.
I Learned about bit masking and bit merging which is not but Bit Manipulation (Set bit , get bit ,Clear Bit and Update Bit ). In Get bit , we first bit mask the number 1 by given position then we operate the number and bit mask by bitwise AND operator . In Set Bit we operate bit mask number and given number using Bitwise OR operator . In clear bit we clear the bit on given position for that we make bit mask of 1 and then we use not opeator in bit mask and then we operate negate bit mask with given number by Bitwise And Operator . And for update bit we use Clear Bit (for 1) and Set Bit (for 0).
I also learn how to check the number i even or odd without using any mathematical operations like modulus . It is done by using Bitwise operators .
After that i learned about Format specifier , Argument index and Flag.
Then I move to Strings, in Strings i learned about that is nothing just a array of characters . In strings i learned different method of strings like int.length (to find the length ) ,Integer.parse(str){for converting string numbers into integer numbers}.
I learned about String matching concept . Regular expressions , meta characters quantifiers( greedy quantifiers like * + . and reluctant quantifiers ?) . I solve some questions on String Matching .
After string part , I moved to Conditional Statements . i have learned conditional statement in c , in java it is nothing different . I solved string matching questions using if - else.
Then I jumped into loop there, I learned one new loop which is for each loop which traverse the elements of array . I solve some question on loops and pattern printing .
Array, which is i think is important concept in java , It give us leverage to access any random element in array , to store elements of same data type , code optimization etc. In array i learned on important thing which is Array of objects -- this i nothing but object reference of class stored in array . In array i have solved question like Reversing array elements ,done by creating temporary array , i solved searching element in array , finding maximum and second maximum element in array ,Rotation of arary by any given position . Then after 1D array i study about 2d arra and solve some questions .